
“PRAB’s Weatherization Assistance Program Helps Save Households $100’s Annually”

“PRAB’s Weatherization Assistance Program Helps Save Households $100’s Annually”

Are you having a hard time keeping your energy bills consistent? Do you feel a draft of cold air in the winter and unbearable humidity during the summertime? There is a simple way of fixing these issues and helping the planet conserve energy. Weatherize your home! One of PRAB’s services includes the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP), which seeks to reduce fuel consumption and related energy costs in low-income homes. Funded by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs, WAP intends to reducboth national energy consumption and the impact of higher fuel costs. 

Residents in Middlesex County may be eligible for PRAB’s WAP services. The process is easy. First, you will be visited by one of our professionally trained auditors, who will use advanced diagnostic equipment to test heating units for combustion safety, carbon monoxide, and gas leaks. They also test stoves and meter refrigerators for efficiency and conduct other health safety tests. Safety is key for PRAB, every auditor follows CDC and OSHA guidelines when visiting a home. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic a Health and Safety client form must be filled out before scheduling an appointment for the safety of our staff and program participant.   

In the process, they maximize and determine the most appropriate cost-effective and capability measures for the homes. Our auditors also provide instructions on simple techniques that help save on household energy bills. Program participants ultimately alleviate their heavy energy burden and experience savings towards becoming self-sufficient.  During these difficult times saving money can make all the difference. According to, homeowners/renters save an average of 15% on heating and cooling costs after weatherizing their home. 

PRAB’s services focus on impacting all aspects of life. By weatherizing your home, you will make your home more comfortable, increase your home value, and it is environmentally friendly. 


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